Thursday, March 8, 2012

Galloping Foot Steps

You hear that bell sound
Your heart starts to pound
You watch them start
It's the very best part
The Horses want to win
With all their heart
The jockeys concentrate
Racing for their fate
The galloping foot steps
Make you feel great
I love one team
It's number nine
And he's the first to cross the finish line.

The Little Chestnut Mare

The little chestnut mare
Her life wasn't fair
She never got fed
Just abandoned  instead
Oh that little chestnut mare
Her owner didn't care
She never came out
If he did she would shout
"You stupid old thing"
But that changed in the spring
Her body broke down
Like she was about to drown
She was so sick
To even move.
But then I came
I called her sweet name
"Moonstruck" I say
But there she lay
I walk over to the little mare
I use the ground as my chair
I tell her every thing is alright
That she is the moon of every night
To me she will always shine
Luna Bug you are mine

To My lovely pony Moonstruck/Luna.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ruby and Jack

From Jacks perspective.

I hide behind a bush hoping she can't see me. I hear footsteps. That's her. I am as silent as can be. Ready. 3-2-1.............................................

I jump out of the bush. I close my eyes to protect them. When I open them, There in front of me I see Ruby. On the ground soaking wet. I laugh, I don't hear her laugh though. Is she in pain? I hear her say something "I am fine". That gives me relief. I ask her what happened. She says "you scared me. I didn't know you were there". All of a sudden I feel quilt rush through me. " is there anything I can do to help. I say. No reply. So I sit there until she gets up. It took a long time. But I waited. When she got up I said "Sorry". Right away I knew that didn't mean much.
We walk off, to my house.

When we get inside I find nobody is home. Want to go to the park  I say. Only a nod comes  from her. So we walk to the park. I wounder what is going on in Ruby's mind. Is she thinking of me? The park? Finally, we arrive. While we walk under the HUGE shady Oak trees, Ruby says "I love it here". I do too. But I don't say anything. We take in the smell and beauty. We just walk in silence for the next hour. Then it gets dark and we are forced to go home by the moon.

The next morning at breakfast my mom tells me something. At first I don't understand. Ruby, she has cancer. But how? Is Ruby going to die? I feel sadness come through me. Ruby is my best-friend. Mom tells me she has had it for a couple months. I want to go visit her in the hospital, Mom says I have school though. It felt like years before the bell rang. I felt like I was going to die during Social Studies. I ran out of the class the minute the bell rang. I ran all the way home.

Mom got in the car and I followed along, hopping into my seat. I am excited, but sad to see Ruby in the hospital. While we were driving into the hospital parking lot, my stomach flopped. Did Ruby know I was coming? I jumped out of my car, looking up. The hospital was huge. I hope there is an elevator! Thankfully there was. Mom asked a nearby nurse, if she knew which room Ruby Lokclove was in. She lead us into a dark room. Ruby was attached to a bunch of wires. Does cancer hurt? I ask. She shakes her head.

Ah! I jump. It's just my mom's phone though. I hear muffled sounds coming from the speaker. She responds with yeses and ahha's. She hung up and told me we needed to go. I said bye to Ruby and she smiled and said see you later. Informing me I needed to come back and visit her. In the car I asked mom who she was talking to (like I always do). She didn't say anything so I asked again. She said it was my Aunt Melissa, but in a quiet voice. What did she want? Oh, she just told me that your cousin Mario broke his leg, it's really terrible. Everyone is getting hurt! I yell quite loudly.

He will be O.K though. Ruby, she might get over the cancer. We just have to pray for them both.

The End.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hunger Games

The Hunger Games:      The Hunger Games [Book]

I am reading "The Hunger Games". Best book ever! It's new to me. Like. Different. Sort of.
I am only on chapter two, but so far it's amazing! My favorite character is Katniss. She is super brave.
Volunteering to be killed for her sisters sake. Hunting in the woods when she is not supposed too. I would never do that.

  1. Because I don't have a sister
  2. I don't want to die.
  3. There is such thing as a grocery store.

I think the author, Suzanne Collins" has a very creative mind. I love this book and I can't wait to read the other two books.


      Catching fire [Book]                                Mockingjay [Book]